05.27.15 | Workout of the Day

21-15-9 Reps for time:

  • Row for Calories
  • Ring Dips

Rest 3 minutes, then

15-12-9 Reps for time:
  • Row For Calories
  • Ring Dips

05.26.15 | Workout of the Day

3 Rounds for time:

  • 90 Foot Handstand Walk
  • 30 Second L-sit
  • 30 Pistols, alternating legs

05.25.15 | Workout of the Day

5 Rounds For time:
20 Burpees
10 Back Squats 225/155

Rest 3 minutes between rounds

05.24.15 | Workout of the Day

Rest Day!  Get out of the gym!

05.23.15 | Workout of the Day

3 Rounds for time:

  • 10 Box Jumps 36"/30"
  • 10 Clean & Jerks 155/105