02.23.2016 | Workout of the Day

5 Rounds for time of:
30 Abmat Sit-ups
30/25 Calories Rowing

*Rest 3 minutes between rounds

02.22.2016 | Workout of the Day

For time:
90 Double-unders
9 Ring Muscle-ups
9 Squat Clean Thrusters, 65/45-lb. dumbbells
80 Double-unders
8 Muscle-ups
8 Squat Clean Thrusters
70 Double-unders
7 Muscle-ups
7 Squat Clean Thrusters

*Courtesy of Crossfit.com

02.21.2016 | Workout of the Day

Rest day!
Get out of the gym.

02.20.2016 | Workout of the Day

For time:
50 Push Press 95/65
50 Calories rowing
50 Ring Dips
50 Calories Rowing
50 Push Press

02.19.2016 | Workout of the Day

In a 22 minute window:
Max Distance Farmer's Carry

Men use 2 53-pound kettlebells
Women use 2 35-pound kettlebells