04.08.2016 | Workout of the Day

30 minutes of:
1 minute row for max calories
1 minute of rest

04.07.2016 | Workout of the Day


Get out of the gym.

04.06.2016 | Workout of the Day

For time:
100 Bench Press 135/95

*Run 400m every time you rack the barbell or rest it on your chest.

04.05.2016 | Workout of the Day

For time:
50-40-30-20-10 thruster 45/35
5-4-3-2-1 rope climb, 15 ft

04.04.2016 | Workout of the Day

On the minute for 20 minutes:
Minute 1: 10 Hang Power Cleans 185/135
Minute 2: 20 GHD Sit-ups
Minute 3: 40 Double-unders
Minute 4: 10 Burpees, lateral over bar