12.18.2018 | Workout of the Day

CrossFit Linchpin Test 7

4 Rounds for time of:
4 Power Cleans, 205/145
4 Front Squats, 205/145
4 Shoulder to Overhead, 205/145


*Warm-ups, scaled options, accessory work, goal times, limited equipment options, daily videos, and much more are available on our private track for only $10 a month. To learn more click on the tab marked "Private Track".


12.17.2018 | Workout of the Day

For time:
3 x 1 Mile Run

*Rest as needed to maximize intensity.


*Warm-ups, scaled options, accessory work, goal times, limited equipment options, daily videos, and much more are available on our private track for only $10 a month. To learn more click on the tab marked "Private Track".


12.16.2018 | Workout of the Day


Get out of the gym.


*Warm-ups, scaled options, accessory work, goal times, limited equipment options, daily videos, and much more are available on our private track for only $10 a month. To learn more click on the tab marked "Private Track".

12.15.2018 | Workout of the Day

Death by:
Thruster, 115/75 


*Perform 1 thruster in the 1st minute. 2 in the 2nd minute, 3 in the 3rd minute, etc, etc. Continue in this manner until you fail to complete the required number of thrusters in the appropriate minute.


*Warm-ups, scaled options, accessory work, goal times, limited equipment options, daily videos, and much more are available on our private track for only $10 a month. To learn more click on the tab marked "Private Track".

12.14.2018 | Workout of the Day

5 Intervals, each for time of:
15 GHD Sit-ups
600m run
5 Power Cleans at 65% of 1RM

Rest 3-5 minutes between intervals.


*Warm-ups, scaled options, accessory work, goal times, limited equipment options, daily videos, and much more are available on our private track for only $10 a month. To learn more click on the tab marked "Private Track".