12.17.14 | Workout of the Day
Dec 17, 2014 Wednesday
Shoulder Press 2-2-2-2-2
Rest 5-10 minutes then,
3 Rounds:
20 Front Squats 95/65
20 Push Press 95/65
20 Pull-ups
12.16.14 | Workout of the Day
Dec 16, 2014 Tuesday
2 Rounds:
50 Double-unders
35 Abmat Sit-ups
25 Power Snatch 115/75
50 Double-unders
35 Abmat Sit-ups
25 Power Snatch 115/75
12.15.14 | Workout of the Day
Dec 15, 2014 Monday
2 rounds:
2 minutes max calories rowing
1 minutes rest
2 minutes max reps wall ball shots
1 minutes rest
2 minutes max rope climbs
1 minutes rest
2 minutes max reps burpees
1 minutes rest
2 minutes max calories rowing
1 minutes rest
2 minutes max reps wall ball shots
1 minutes rest
2 minutes max rope climbs
1 minutes rest
2 minutes max reps burpees
1 minutes rest
12.14.14 | Workout of the Day
REST DAY! Get out of the gym!
12.13.14 | Workout of the Day
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
- 21-15-9 reps for time of:
- Handstand Push-up
- Ring Dip
- Push-up