12.07.14 | Workout of the Day
REST! Get out of the gym!
12.06.14 | Workout of the Day
Saturday Dec 6, 2014
“Barbara”5 Rounds:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
*3 minutes rest between rounds
12.05.14 | Workout of the Day
Friday Dec 5, 2014
Establish a 1RM 50 ft Prowler push
Rest 5-10 minutes, then
3 Rounds for time:
200m Prowler push (empty)
75 Double-unders
*Shamelessly stolen from Ben Bergeron & CrossFit New England
12.04.14 | Workout of the Day
Thursday Dec 4, 2014
For time:
- 1 Mile run
- 2k Row
- 1 Mile run
12.03.14 | Workout of the Day
Wednesday Dec 3, 2014
2 Minutes Max Reps:
- Front Squat 185/135
90 Seconds Max Reps:
- Front Squat 135/95
1 Minute Max Reps:
- Front Squats 95/65
*Rest 3 minutes between sets
*Each set ends when time expires or if you fail a rep