03.29.15 | Workout of the Day

REST DAY!  Get out of the gym!

03.28.15 | Workout of the Day

For time:
50 Calories Rowing
25 Handstand Push-ups
40 Calories Rowing
20 Handstand Push-ups
30 Calories Rowing
15 Handstand Push-ups

03.27.15 | Workout of the Day

4 Rounds for time:
50 Ft Front Rack Walking Lunge 155/105
400m Run

03.26.15 | Workout of the Day

6 Rounds for time:
12 Ring Dips, strict
12 Pull-ups, strict

03.25.15 Workout of the Day

Work up to a 1RM Clean & Jerk.

Rest as needed, then

3 Rounds for time:
9 Squat Cleans 115/75
15 Push Press 115/75