08.07.15 | Workout of the Day
For 16 minutes perform:
Min 1: 20 Burpees
Min 2: 5 Ring Muscle-ups
Min 3: 10 Front Squats at 55%
Min 4: 5 Ring Muscle-ups
08.06.15 | Workout of the Day
3 Rounds for time of:
50m Walking Lunge
50 ft Handstand Walk
50 Abmat Sit-ups
08.05.15 | Workout of the Day
For time:
1.5 Mile run
Rest 5 minutes
1 Mile run
Rest 5 minutes
800m run
08.04.15 | Workout of the Day
Aug 4, 2015
Clean & Jerk
Then, 2 Rounds for time:
75 Double-unders
08.03.15 | Workout of the Day
42-30-18 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots 20/14
Sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
Box jumps, 20"
Push presses 75/55
Row (calories)
*Courtesy of CrossFit.com