11.21.14 | Workout of the Day
Friday, Nov 21, 2014
5 Rounds:
- 400m run
- 4 Squat cleans 205/135
- 1 Round of Mary
11.20.14 | Workout of the Day
Thursday, Nov 20, 2014
7 rounds:
- 35 Double-unders
- 25 Calories Airdyne
- 15 Toes to bar
11.19.14 | Workout of the Day
Wednesday, Nov 19, 2014
3 rounds
- 400m run
- 20 clean and jerks 95/65
11.18.14 | Workout of the Day
Tuesday, Nov 18, 2014
5 Rounds for time:
- 30 Second L-sit
- 15 Calories Rowing
- 15 Bench Press 115/75
11.17.14 | Workout of the Day
Nov 17, Monday
- Overhead Squat
- 3-3-3-3-3
Rest 5-10 minutes, then
2014 Regional Event 7
For time:
- 64 Pull-ups
- 8 Overhead Squats 205/135