02.25.2016 | Workout of the Day

Get out of the gym.

Post workout ideas to comments & I may program them in the future.

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  • 5 individual rounds of Helen, with 3 min rest in between rounds.

    • Brett
  • I just cashed out with the following:
    21Heavy Wall Balls
    15 Slam Balls
    9 inverted Burpees

    I thought it was a nice sprint, but I may be delirious, since I had just completed 16.1

    Love everything about Linchpin!

    • Matt Aukstikalnes
  • 14 minute AMRAP.

    120 Double Unders
    60 Wallballs
    30 Power Clean 95/65#

    • Rob Southards
  • Hi there,

    I would recommend something from CrossFit Dock (my affiliate) programming :-)

    1. Heavy day

    Power clean 3-3-3
    Squat clean – 2-2-2-2
    Front squat (racked) – 1-1-1-1-1

    Increasing weight from set to set. The set is done when there is no more than 5 seconds break between reps.

    2. Interval

    5 rounds, every three minutes perform:

    8 thruster 60/42,5 kg (135/95 lbs)
    10 bar facing burpee

    The result is total of the slowest and the fastest time.

    3. Classical metcon

    AMRAP 20:

    1 legless rope climb
    5 hand release push up
    10 box jump over

    This is a solid test of gymnastics skills and muscle stamina in pulling movements. Good goal is to treat it as an EMOM.

    Wishing all the best to CF Linchpin crew!
    Pawel, CF Dock (Warsaw, Poland)

    • Pawel Raczynski
  • For time:

    30 135lb clean and jerks
    2000m row
    30 chest to bar pull-ups
    30 strict ring dips
    2000m row
    100 burpees

    My times:
    9/22/13 39:34
    11/23/14 34:41
    10/25/15 34:22

    • Tylar