20 minutes to complete, with heaviest weights possible, score is total of 4 weights used:
20 ohs
20 jerk
20 hang clean
20 back squat
*must add weight when moving to next lift
AMRAP 15 or for time:
75 cal row
75 wall balls
75 burpees
75 double unders
The end (and most demoralizing part) of Filthy 50 × 1.5, throw in a row to start, how bad could it be?
Alternating emom 12 min
15 cal row (odd minutes)
10 V-ups (even minutes)
Rest 5 minutes
Body weight bench
Strict Chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 5 minutes
40x SDHP 135#
40x GHD
40 wall balls
30 ABmat sit-ups
20 over head walking lung 95/65
20 minutes to complete, with heaviest weights possible, score is total of 4 weights used:
20 ohs
20 jerk
20 hang clean
20 back squat
*must add weight when moving to next lift
AMRAP 15 or for time:
75 cal row
75 wall balls
75 burpees
75 double unders
The end (and most demoralizing part) of Filthy 50 × 1.5, throw in a row to start, how bad could it be?
Alternating emom 12 min
15 cal row (odd minutes)
10 V-ups (even minutes)
Rest 5 minutes
Body weight bench
Strict Chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 5 minutes
40x SDHP 135#
40x GHD
40 wall balls
30 ABmat sit-ups
20 over head walking lung 95/65