10.12.2015 | Workout of the Day

Work up to a 1RM Clean & Jerk, then

AMRAP 9 minutes of:
9 Calories Rowing
6 Burpees over rower
3 Clean & Jerks 185/135

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  • 5rds

    • ToledoAaron
  • Fun workout. I substituted the 1RM clean & jerk for a strongman workout:
    6 Rounds: 60sec per Round
    15 Sledgehammer Strikes Max Effort
    Max Effort Viper Log Press @ 135
    Rest 2min
    Rest 5min after last round then:
    AMRAP 9:
    9 Cal Row
    6 Burpee over erg
    3 Clean&Jerks @ 185
    This worked out to be terribly awesome!
    13-11-12-10-11-12 (Workout One)
    4+5 (Workout Two)

    Keep up the great work guys!

    • Corbin Gravley