5 sets of:
8-12 reps, Push Press, R-arm
8-12 reps, Push Press, L-arm
10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Strict Weighted Pull-ups
In as few sets as possible:
50 Strict Toes-to-bar
Amrap 4 minutes of:
*You choose loads.
*Want a 30-day free trial of the Linchpin Private Track? Get full access to warm-ups, scaled options, accessory work, goal times, dumbbell workouts, At-Home workouts, lifting programs, daily videos, stretching, join an AMAZING GLOBAL COMMUNITY on the planet & more. Click on “Private Track" and you will be guided through the process. Enjoy
Missed Wod due to injury. Lumbar sprain (right side)