09.09.2016 | Workout of the day

27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Wallball Shot 20/14
Clean & Jerk 95/65

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  • 10:46 RX. UB wall balls and smooth sets of C&J fun!

    • Dana
  • 9:02 rx. Definitely reads easier than it is! Spent a bit of time on the floor after this one!

    • Mat
  • 8:19 Scaled:
    21-15-9, Russian KB Swings (no access to WB) 16kg, C&J 30kg

    Perhaps could’ve gone for full 27 rep scheme but first time using KB in workout. Got grippy. All KBs unbroken and C&J in sets of 5, final set of 9 unbroken.

    • Andy Gilmour-Jones
  • 14:10 as written
    wall balls all unbroken, CJ felt like 155 today for some reason. Iron plates, concrete floors, controlled all the way down.

    • Matt Aukstikalnes