04.05.2024 | Workout of the Day
For time, or not:
50 Pull-ups
400m run
21 Thrusters, 95/65
800m run
21 Thrusters, 95/65
400m run
50 Pull-ups
*Compare to 04.27.2019
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Still injured (Bursitis on back of right ankle)
(it fealt too heavy, 3 Sets of 7 Reps, quite slow and lots of rest)TIME: 38’20"
“Daniel” Modified:
For time, or not:
50 Pull-ups (Kipping)
2min Ring Sqt + Row (40 Reps)
21 Thrusters, 40kg*
4min Ring Sqt + Row (60 Reps)
21 Thrusters, 40kg*
2min Ring Sqt + Row (40 Reps)
50 Pull-ups (Kipping)