04.01.2024 | Workout of the Day

Joe Mills 20/20 Workout 

For the Squat Snatch:
Min. 1 = 1 rep, 70% RM
Min. 2 = 1 rep, 70% RM
Min. 3 = 1 rep, 70% RM
Min. 4 = 1 rep, 70% RM
Min. 5 = 1 rep, 70% RM
Min. 6 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 5kg
Min. 7 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 5kg
Min. 8 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 5kg
Min. 9 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 5kg
Min. 10 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 5kg
Min. 11 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 7.5kg
Min. 12 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 7.5kg
Min. 13 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 7.5kg
Min. 14 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 7.5kg
Min. 15 = 1 rep, 70% RM + 7.5kg
Min. 16 = 1 rep, heavy single
Min. 17 = 1 rep, heavy single
Min. 18 = 1 rep, heavy single
Min. 19 = 1 rep, heavy single
Min. 20 = 1 rep, heavy single

*Compare to 01.10.2023

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1 comment

  • I am still healing from back of heel injury (bursitis), but managed to complete WOD almost pain free.

    Joe Mills 20/20 Workout

    For the Squat Snatch:
    Rep 1 – Rep 5, (25 kg)
    Rep 6 – Rep 10, (30 kg)
    Rep 11 – Rep 15, (35 kg)
    Rep 16 – Rep 20, (40 kg)

    • Ricardo