02.28.2024 | Workout of the Day
100 Double-unders
750m Row
30 GHD sit-ups
100m Farmer's Carry
You choose dumbbell loading. The goal is to make the carry heavy if possible.
Or, as a 2-person team...
3 Rounds for time:
Partner "A"
100 Double-unders
100m Farmer's Carry
30 GHD sit-ups
750m Row
Partner "B"
100 Double-unders
100m Farmer's Carry
30 GHD sit-ups
750m Row
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TIME: 4’"38"3
Rounds for time of:
100 Double-unders
75 Inclined Squat + Ring Row
30 Swissball sit-ups
100m Farmer’s Carry 40kg ( 2 × 20kg DB)