01.06.2017 | Workout of the Day

AMRAP 7 minutes of:
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings 70/53

*Rest 7 minutes & repeat.

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  • I did this WOD about ten minutes after my strength WOD. I’m not sure how I felt about it. With the heavy KB swings, I think the burpees oddly felt like rest. I also did this backwards, beginning with the KB swings instead of the burpees. Probably not a huge deal…

    cycle 1: 6 rounds + 7 KBS + 5 burpees
    cycle 2: 6 rounds + 7 KBS + 1 burpee
    completed using rx’d weight

    • Christina
  • Did one round only

    Scaled to 36kg KB Russian swings and burpees.

    7 rounds in 7 min

    • Ryan Chua
  • 53lbs KB

    6 rounds + 7 burpees


    6 rounds + 1 burpee.

    Thank you

    • Matt Howie