09.26.2016 | Monster Mash

For time as a 2-person team:
80 Thrusters 115/80
80 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
80 Squat Cleans 115/80
80 Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"
80 Calories, Assault Bike

*Divide the reps between the 2 athletes as you choose, but all thrusters must be completed before moving on to C2B pull-ups, etc, etc.

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  • 27:23 – Dave Faulk partnered. Thrusters in sets of 10 each, 5’s on the CTB, Wheels fell off on the squat cleans but came back on for the Airdyne sprint (switched every 10-15 cals).

    • Josh Harper
  • 31:13
    Threw down with my bro Stan Monawitz. Great way to start the week. We really fed off eachother’s energy. Finished eachother off with a reverse noose grip

    • Brogan Bronutz