08.20.2018 | Monster Mash

CrossFit Linchpin Test 5
For time:
20 Back Squats, 225/155
2 Mile Run
20 Back Squats, 225/155

5 Rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
15 Hang Power Snatch, 75/55

For time:
50 Burpees over the box, 24"/20"

*Rest 5 minutes between workouts.

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  • Brutal wod today

    • Nee Delkok
  • Male/37/5’7"/155# Crossfit Suffolk
    305# max BS
    145# max HPS

    51:03 total Rx
    1) 25:35, 4 sets of 5 BS 3:00 ran 8mpm, then 10 sets of 2 BS 6:35 (yes, I should have scaled the weight)
    2) 10:02
    3) 5:26

    • Benjamin Beebe
  • 1) 17’35 w/ 80kg
    2) 10’09 Rx
    3) 5’48"

    Regards from Spain!

    • Juan Carlos Alcala Perez