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Linchpin Individual Program V1.5


We are a global community of amazing, positive and supportive people dedicated to making themselves better everyday through functional movements, variance and relative intensity.

Linchpin does not have a strength bias, we do not have a gymnastics bias, nor do we have a conditioning bias. We have a long term health and fitness bias.

We train in a manner designed to keep you happy, healthy and your quality of life as high as possible whether you are 25 or 65 years old. A key element of how we do this is by NOT overtraining you. We pour our heart and soul into one workout a day...and the rewards are tremendous.

About The Program

Our Guiding Principles

At Linchpin we embrace Intensity over Volume.

We embrace variance. We want you to be well rounded.

We remove ego and that helps us make smart decisions.

We understand “Scaling” is not a bad word, as a matter of fact, intelligently scaling or modifying a workout is not only a critical factor for safety, but it is also a necessary and essential part of your long term fitness journey. Long story short….we encourage scaling. Scaling is cool!

We give heavy days the respect they deserve. On those days we just go heavy. There is no other workout crammed in. That way we don’t rush it...we focus on doing it right and we reap the benefits.

Our Guiding Principles 

Our Guiding Principles

Something For Everyone - 5 Different Options

Every day we provide a detailed warm-up, 5 different workout options, goal times, demo/educational videos, optional accessory work, & much more.

The 5 daily workout options are…

  1. “Rx’d Workout” = this is the workout of the day.
  2. “Wild Card Option” = this option falls between Rx’d & Scaled.
  3. “Scaled Option” = reduced loading, fewer reps and/or simpler movements.
  4. “Limited Equipment Option” = dumbbell version of the workout.
  5. “No-Equipment Option” = all you need is your body & the ground.

 Something For Everyone - 5 Different Options

Fun, Community & Support

Our focus is long-term health & fitness, having FUN, & engaging people in the most positive & supportive global community possible. The time you spend working out in your garage gym or anywhere else should be one of the best hours of your day. It should not be stressful, you should look forward to it. We believe “scaling/modifying” workouts to meet your needs is cool. We remove ego & help people make smart decisions, so their knees, backs & shoulders feel good. We want you training for the rest of your life, not just for a year or two. The people in our community make it so special. If you want to get fit, have fun & be supported by incredible people from all around the world focused on long term health & happiness, then welcome to CrossFit Linchpin.

Fun, Community & Support 

Fun, Community & Support


Example Session

Daily Video


2 Rounds, not for time of:
50 Double-unders, Single-unders or Jumping Jacks
5-7 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe
5-7 Band Pull-aparts
5-7 Scap Pull-ups
5-7 Kip Swings
5-7 Ring Rows, Pull-ups, or low-ring muscle-ups
1 x Burgener Warm Up with empty bar (45/35)
10 Push Press, empty barbell
10 Hanging Knee Raises with 1-second pause at top (or V-ups or sit-ups)

Workout of the Day - Rx’d
For time:
30 Toes-to-bar
25 Dumbbell Push Press
5 Rope Climbs, 15 ft.
25 Dumbbell Push Press
30 Toes-to-bar

Men: Two 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: Two 35-lb. dumbbells
Or use a 115/75 barbell

**Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
5:30 or less

**More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)
10:00 or less

Wild Card Option
For time:
30 GHD sit-ups or Toes-to-bar
25 Dumbbell Push Press
15 Ring Muscle-ups
25 Dumbbell Push Press
30 GHD sit-ups or Toes-to-bar

Men: Two 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: Two 35-lb. dumbbells
Or use a 115/75 barbell

Scaled Option
For time:
30 Hanging Knee Raises or Sit-ups
25 Dumbbell Push Press
25 Pull-ups or Ring Rows
25 Dumbbell Push Press
30 Hanging Knee Raises or Sit-ups

Men: Two 35-lb. dumbbells
Women: Two 25-lb. dumbbells
Or use a 75/55 barbell

Limited Equipment Option
For time:
30 Toes-to-bar
25 Dumbbell Push Press
25 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
25 Dumbbell Push Press
30 Toes-to-bar

Men: Two 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: Two 35-lb. dumbbells

No Equipment Workout
For time:
30 V-ups
50 Hand-release Push-ups
2 minute plank hold
50 Hand-release Push-ups
30 V-ups

Accessory Work (optional)
Overhead Carry
Use 2 dumbbells / kettlebells, or one barbell
3 x 100 feet. You choose the load.
Turkish Get-Ups
3 Rounds of:
5-7 Turkish Get-Ups, Left-arm
5-7 Turkish Get-Ups, Right-arm
*Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds
*You choose the load.

Hold chin over pull-up bar:
Accumulate 2 minutes

Cool Down & Stretching
Cool down for 5-15 minutes by casually walking, jogging, biking or rowing, then stretch.
Cobra Stretch - abs, 1-2 minutes
Chest & Pec, hands behind, hold 1-2 minutes
Frog Stretch, hold 1-2 minutes



Frequently Asked Questions

What level of athlete is the Linchpin private track designed for?

We have members in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s & beyond. We have members who are complete beginners & have never worked out before. We have other members who are advanced athletes winning local competitions. Wherever you are in your fitness journey, CF Linchpin has a place for you

What equipment do I need?

Most daily workouts can be done with a barbell and a pull-up bar. When workouts do require unique and/or expensive pieces of gear such as a rower, bike, GHD, etc...we always provide substitutions for people who do not have access to such equipment. No matter what, we’ve got you covered. Our “Limited Equipment Option” is a daily workout requiring only a pair of dumbbells, a pull-up bar, a jump rope and a set of gymnastics rings or TRX bands hung from the pull-up bar. Don’t be fooled, limited equipment does not mean limited fitness. We also provide a “No-Equipment Option” each day. This is a workout requiring zero gear. All you need is your body & the ground.


How long does the workout take each day?

Workouts are usually between 10 and 20 minutes in length. Some are shorter and some are longer. The daily warm-ups are usually 10-15 minutes in length. Every day we also post optional accessory work, as well as a cool down and some stretches. Our goal is to have you in and out of the gym in less than an hour...that includes the warm-up, the workout, and the cool down/stretching.


What if I can’t do all of the movements?

We always provide a “Scaled Workout” & movement suggestions. For example, if you cannot do pull-ups then we would suggest ring rows, banded pull-ups, bent over rows, etc. There is usually a way to modify a workout/movement to meet your needs.